YouTube’s been around for almost 10 years now, and I don’t need to tell you how popular it is or how many people watch videos on the site. Some videos YouTube is A Great Traffic Source has reached over a billion views, and even if you just put Google Adsense ads on them, with a billion views you’d still be filthy rich.
However, we can do better than that using the best web hosting marketing tips. Adsense is nice and easy to install and a good source of automated income, don’t get me wrong. Although, if you have a website or a sales page there is a far better option available to you of outsourcing all your video traffic to them.
There are 3 places on YouTube where you can put a link to your website. Unfortunately only one of them is actually a clickable link, but never the less it’s still definitely worth it. Videos can rank so high so quickly, no matter what sort of subject you may be posting a video about, so it could be an amazing opportunity for driving masses of traffic to your site.
The 3 places to link to your site
YouTube Channel Page – The first place and probably the one you won’t be too concerned with, is on your channel page that other people are able to view and search through. This link will be placed on the sidebar on your channel and is the only clickable link option available to you. It’s always worth doing as it takes a second to fill in your link, but you probably won’t see too much traffic from doing just this. So don’t get your hopes up. If you have quite a wide range of videos and therefore potentially a large number of channel views, this link may actually become a very good traffic source.
Video Description – The next place you can place your link, is in the description of your video. Everyone who views your video can see this description, so if they’re at all interested, they’ll be able to copy and paste the link into their browser. I recommend putting the link at the start of the description, for two reasons.
- The first part of the description appears in search results
- YouTube hides up the lower part of the description until you click on it to un-hide it.
In the Video – Why not place the link in your video? The best way to do this is to use video editing software such as Windows Movie Maker to place the link over your video content in one of the corners. That way it’ll be displayed throughout the whole video and will stand out to anyone watching. You could alternatively put the link at the end of your video in the credits or simply use an annotation in the YouTube editor.
You can create videos about absolutely anything. Think about a video you could post to do with your niche, maybe on how to do something in particular. People love videos that help them out; judging by various videos on the internet that have gone viral, they also love crazy and hilarious videos. It’s up to you, but what I will tell you is that it’s incredibly easy to post videos that get high viewing numbers, and by implementing the above, you’ll be able to do something useful with these views.
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